The Dos and Don'ts of Cab Etiquette: A Handy Guide

Taking a cab is a convenient and efficient way to get around, especially in a bustling city like Bhopal. However, just like any other public transportation, there are certain etiquette rules that should be followed to ensure a smooth and pleasant ride for both the passenger and the driver. In this blog post, we will discuss the dos and don'ts of cab etiquette, so you can have a hassle-free experience when using a cab service in Bhopal.


1) Be punctual: When booking a cab, make sure to be on time. The cab driver has a schedule to follow and being late can cause delays for other passengers. If you know you will be running late, inform the cab service in Bhopal and ask if they can reschedule your ride.

2) Be respectful: Treat the cab driver with respect and courtesy. They are providing a service, and it is important to acknowledge their efforts. Greet them when you enter the cab and thank them when you reach your destination.

3) Communicate clearly: When giving directions, be as precise as possible. This will help the driver to take the shortest and most efficient route. If you are unfamiliar with the area, ask for recommendations from the driver or use a GPS system to guide them.

4) Keep the cab clean: It is important to keep the cab clean and tidy. Avoid eating or drinking inside the cab, and if you must, make sure to clean up after yourself. Also, do not leave any trash behind and make sure to take all your belongings with you when you exit the cab.

Also Read: Outstation Cabs in Bhopal

5) Tip appropriately: Tipping is not mandatory, but it is a common practice to show appreciation for good service. If you are satisfied with the service, a 10-15% tip is considered appropriate.


1) Don't be rude: It is important to maintain a polite and respectful attitude towards the cab driver. Avoid using foul language or being aggressive. If you have any complaints, address them calmly and respectfully.

2) Don't smoke: Smoking is not allowed in cabs, and it is considered disrespectful to the driver and other passengers. If you need to smoke, ask the driver to make a quick stop, or wait until you reach your destination.

3) Don't negotiate the fare: The fare is usually fixed by the cab service in Bhopal, and it is not acceptable to negotiate it. If you have any concerns about the fare, discuss it beforehand.


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